A Personal Message about Trauma and PTSD
Trauma and PTSD is a real thing and it causes real issues in the brain.
I’m Sandra Hooper-Murcott, the owner of BRAINTOPIA™ Neurofeedback Centers in Frisco, Dallas, and Denton (DFW), and my mission for this company stems from my own trauma and PTSD.
I’m an adoptive mom and our son spent all of October and November of 2012 in the NICU. During those months, we were not sure if this child would, in fact, be ours.
This time took a huge toll on me….and every year during that time, it still takes a toll on me. This year…11 years later….was no different.
But this year, I had support. My own brain training helped me to take control of the fear that gripped me all those years ago. The triggers were still there, but I am now able to take control of my thoughts and emotions. I still have to work through them, but I’m not controlled by them.
I’d encourage you to look deeply into your own lives and if you have trauma, know there is help!
At our center, we want to help you take on trauma head-on. You don’t have to suffer. Schedule your brain map today and join me on the path to healing your brain.